Modeling Portfolio Photography by Tony Lafferty Photography
At Tony Lafferty Photography we shoot all types of portfolio photography, including Acting and Modeling portfolio photography, as well as Makeup portfolios. This young client never ceases to amaze me. Shannon is not only a model, but an actress, makeup artist, stylist, costume designer, musician and singer too! She is beautiful, smart, fun, incredibly creative and one of my absolute most favorite photography subjects. This young lady truly has it all and is heading for great things. Keep your eyes on her because she is headed right to the top of the entertainment industry. Check out her web site, and be prepared to be amazed.
Shannon and I first met at the Super run in Detroit. The Super Run is a 5K run that supports many charities. It is also a super amount of fun to either run in or to just be a spectator. I had gone to cover the photography of the event and she was a participant. Her costume was the mutant Raven Darkholme, A.K.A. Mystique from the famous X men movies. I gave her my card and snapped a quick portrait of her before she headed off to run the event. Within days she had contacted me and inquired about our modeling portfolio photography at Tony Lafferty Photography. I was anxious to work with her on her modeling portfolio photography needs as I knew the images would be pure dynamite! Not to mention that the images would look great in my portfolio as well! I wasn’t wrong, was I?
Our first session together was the Avatar look and the images were breathtaking. We followed that up with the Joker and Riddler session which produced a plethora of crazy, cool comic styled images and we also managed to slip the famous red couch into a few images. Shannon said, “I had so much fun with Tony Lafferty on this photo shoot. I can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve…Absolutely in love with Tony Lafferty’s work!!! When I received the rest of the photos, I almost cried. I was just so happy with them. Thank you so much Tony.” Our next session will be based on a satyr costume Shannon is currently making. Stay tuned.
Are you looking to build your portfolio? Let Tony Lafferty Photography help you create stunning images that really turns heads with our modeling portfolio photography services! As always comments and constructive feedback is always appreciated. Let us know what you think in the comment section below.
What can we do for you? Tony Lafferty Photography – “When Ordinary Photography Just Won’t Do!”
Hi Tony. You gave me your card after you asked my friend and I to pose for you. A couple weeks ago in eastern market in front of a mural. He dipped me 😉 thought I would drop you a line. I’d love to see it.
Hi Shelly! I loved the images. Thanks for taking the time to indulge me. I have emailed you a copy of the images. Thanks again and have a great week. Let me know what you think.